Monday, January 25, 2010

New Year. Now what?

It's daunting to say the least to start a new year when the previous one was one of such extraordinary achievements and creativity. I mean, now I've got to find inspiration short of knocking down another wall because, seriously, I can't handle any more dust and we're broke.

So, it's onto finding and nurturing the creativity, inspiration and growth in the wonderful little nest we've built here.

It's been a great start thus far: a great holiday with all the family, a fun New Year's open house to welcome friends in and back to school for 2010 with backpacks, mittens and homework stored tidily in the mudroom making it so easy to get out the door for school(well, 2 out of 3...). And of course, we're making it our own: Audrey somehow got toothpaste globs smeared into her carpet, there's a really strange smell on Henry's carpet and we have 4 times as many picture hanger holes in the walls as pictures (it take a while to find just the right spot).

The good news is that there are still plenty of house projects into which I can channel my energies (just how many Container Store boxes can one house hold?) I'm still working on having a laundry room that does the laundry by itself and perfectly the tchochke arrangement on the mantel.

So, thanks all for the support and views in 2009. Wait till you see what 2010 has in store!